Communication channel



The purpose of Plastinsa’s communication channel is to provide all stakeholder groups with a means of communication with the company’s management and with governmental institutions through which any topic related to the company can be transmitted and irregularities as well as non-compliances and unethical or illegal behavior can be reported.

PLASTINSA acts in such a way that protects the person who reports any violation or suspicion of violation related to the Compliance Management System, against retaliation, understood as any act that may suppose or, simply, appear to be, a form of discrimination or penalty.

PLASTINSA guarantees that the computer application used in the process will at all times protect confidentiality and anonymity, if the interested party selects this option.

The process is as follows:


Buzón web
Correo normal
Departamento de compliance
Establecimiento de acciones
Departamento de compliance
Realización de Acciones
Informar al Interesado
(Solo en caso nominativo)

Realizar una Denuncia

Nominative complaint
Anonymous complaint

Cláusula LOPD

En cumplimiento de lo previsto en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y en particular el Real Decreto 1720/2007, le informamos que los datos de carácter personal que en su caso pudieran estar incluidos en su denuncia se integrarán en un fichero titularidad de Caiba, S.A., que cumple con las medidas de seguridad legalmente exigidas en el citado Real Decreto.